MondoVap® 2400 Steam Vapor System Training Video


Viewers of this training video, made by OSHA-authorized trainer Kerry Rigg, will learn how to clean and disinfect in 7 seconds or less.

Mr. Rigg, a Navy veteran who has trained over 6,000 custodians during his career, has worked with steam vapor for 25 years. His tool of choice is the Advanced Vapor Technologies (Advap) MondoVap® steam vapor system, which he has used to clean and disinfect schools, hospitals, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, and just about everything else—even Boeing 737 aircraft.

Featuring Advap’s proprietary technology called TANCS®, which stands for Thermal Accelerated Nano Crystal Sanitation, the MondoVap® cleans and disinfects in one easy step—using only tap water.

Unlike liquid bleach or other chemical disinfectants that require surfaces to remain visibly wet for minutes and dry to a residue that boosts new microbial growth, the MondoVap® combines TANCS® technology at the molecular level with 260°F vapor temperature at the surface to effectively and quickly kill a very broad range of pathogens while leaving no residue behind.